# Sparrowdo::VSTS::YAML::Cordova Sparrowdo module to generate VSTS yaml build definition steps for Cordova build. # USAGE ## Windows Note: Windows build requires ionic. This build mechanism uses ionic internally. $ cat sparrowfile module_run "VSTS::YAML::Cordova", %( build-dir => ".build", os => "windows", # default value build-configuration => "--debug", # build configuration, default value build-arch => "x86" # build architecture, default value ); $ sparrowdo --no_sudo --local_mode If only need to create VSTS source code, use `prepare-only` flag: prepare-only => True ## iOS $ cat sparrowfile module_run "VSTS::YAML::Cordova", %( build-dir => ".build", os => "ios" use-ionic-build => true # default value build => True, # whether to run build command or not, default value is False team-id => "FG35JLLMXX4A" # development team id ); $ sparrowdo --no_sudo --local_mode # Platforms supported * Windows * iOS # Author Aleksei Melezhik