NAME - Perl library for Japanese character code conversion SYNOPSIS require ''; # note: You can use either of the package of 'jcode' and 'jacode' jacode::convert(\$line, $OUTPUT_encoding [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) jacode::xxx2yyy(\$line [, $option]) jacode::to($OUTPUT_encoding, $line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) jacode::jis($line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) jacode::euc($line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) jacode::sjis($line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) jacode::utf8($line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) jacode::jis_inout($JIS_Kanji_IN, $ASCII_IN) jacode::get_inout($string) jacode::cache() jacode::nocache() jacode::flushcache() jacode::flush() jacode::h2z_xxx(\$line) jacode::z2h_xxx(\$line) jacode::getcode(\$line) jacode::tr(\$line, $from, $to [, $option]) jacode::trans($line, $from, $to [, $option]) jacode::init() $jacode::convf{'xxx', 'yyy'} $jacode::z2hf{'xxx'} $jacode::h2zf{'xxx'} &jcode'convert(*line, $OUTPUT_encoding [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) &jcode'xxx2yyy(*line [, $option]) &jcode'to($OUTPUT_encoding, $line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) &jcode'jis($line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) &jcode'euc($line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) &jcode'sjis($line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) &jcode'utf8($line [, $INPUT_encoding [, $option]]) &jcode'jis_inout($JIS_Kanji_IN, $ASCII_IN) &jcode'get_inout($string) &jcode'cache() &jcode'nocache() &jcode'flushcache() &jcode'flush() &jcode'h2z_xxx(*line) &jcode'z2h_xxx(*line) &jcode'getcode(*line) &jcode'tr(*line, $from, $to [, $option]) &jcode'trans($line, $from, $to [, $option]) &jcode'init() $jcode'convf{'xxx', 'yyy'} $jcode'z2hf{'xxx'} $jcode'h2zf{'xxx'} ABSTRACT This software has upper compatibility to and multiple inheritance both stable library and active Encode module. * upper compatible * pkf command upper compatible * Perl4 script also Perl5 script * Powered by Encode::from_to (Yes, not only Japanese!) * future-proof software * Support HALFWIDTH KATAKANA * Support UTF-8 by cp932 to Unicode table (JIS X 0221:2007 BASIC JAPANESE and COMMON JAPANESE) * Hidden UTF8 flag * No Object oriented * Maintain the traditional programming INSTALLATION To test this software, type the following: perl To install this software, copy '' to any directory of @INC. DEPENDENCIES This software requires perl 4.036 or later. AUTHOR Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 Kazumasa Utashiro Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Kazumasa Utashiro Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016 INABA Hitoshi LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is free software; Use and redistribution for ANY PURPOSE are granted as long as all copyright notices are retained. Redistribution with modification is allowed provided that you make your modified version obviously distinguishable from the original one. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO perl,,, pkf, Modern::Open